telecommunication program

英 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ˈprəʊɡræm] 美 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ˈproʊɡræm]




  1. "Data-driven Engine of Telecommunication Integrated Services" can communicate directly with the service procedure ( Front) of the network management system by imitating the client program ( Omcterm) of Noma system. Then the Noma system deals with the customer data on switch.
  2. With the case of "Changzhou Telecommunication Auto-Stop Renew Calling System", which was set up by the Socket/ Web Server Program technology, this paper is written in an application of the information technology theory in the aim of realizing Auto-Stop Renew Calling Traffic.
  3. This paper gives an detailed research on pre-transact part, structural analysis part and post-transact part of Single-Pipe Telecommunication Tower design program and introduce a program based on this research.
  4. Research and Development of Single-pipe Telecommunication Tower Design Program
  5. Finally, it recommends some insurance coverage for the telecommunication enterprises and also illustrates the designing features of the insurance program.
  6. Under the above background, we establish research program on telecommunication service development in rural area of South Xinjiang. Our way to develop this program is: investigate and research-analysis investigation data-summarize previous questions-formulate branch standardized project construction plan.